
Bendito Tours is a tour operator specialized in receptive tourism in Israel and surrounding countries. Since 2005, it has been promoting cultural exchanges and encounters among people and the magical and sacred places that are spread across the landscapes of Israel. These meetings are what motivate us to offer the best programs and tours for tourists of different ages and countries every day.

We work to break down geographic barriers, to delight entire families and groups of friends through unique experiences that can be lived and shared on each trip. Get in touch with Bendito and live, you too, an unforgettable moment that deserves to be remembered.

Bendito Way of Working

The Bendito Way of working is unique, like you. We treat you, tourist, as someone special, who has your individual desires and needs. For Bendito, you are no longer just another person, you deserve our attention and we work to surprise you, with each tour, program, and destination visited. Because we want to share with you unforgettable moments.

16 years of history! Find out how it all started. Click here


Bendito Tours is led by its two founders – Yaron Benedykt, CEO of the company and Ilana Kreimer, Director of “Mosaico Israel”, the company's Education Department.

Yaron Benedykt, CO-FUNDER & CEO

graduated by the Israel Ministry of Tourism as a Tourism Guide, Bachelor of Political Science, in Sociology and Anthropology by the University of Haifa, brings a great experience both theoretical and practical in Tourism, as well as in Business Management and Development, Projects and Partnerships, in Israel and in the World.


graduated as a Non-formal Educator by Machon LeMadrichim, Bachelor of Political Science by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Master of Public Administration by the University of Haifa, she has been leading the company's Education Department for 16 years with “Mosaico Israel” in Israel from Madrichim (non-formal education), Community Leaders, Educators, School Directors, Dancers, Musicians – through our Educational, Training and Experience Programs.

Our Differential

    • Experience and Professionalism

      With an interdisciplinary team, over more than 15 years in the market, we managed to create different products, suited to the interests, characteristics and specific needs of each group - be it a group of Friends, a Family, a Congregation, Church, Community, Company – we guarantee that together we will be able to offer exactly what they are looking for.

    • Personalized Attention

      We accompany each Group, each Program, each Project personally. Aware that it is the Small Details that make the Big Difference, we accompany our clients with Patience and Affection throughout their journey, from Planning to Realization, creating a Unique Experience.


    • Honesty: we do everything we promise, even trying to exceed expectations.
    • Innovation: we plan and permanently update our programs and circuits, always offering new places to visit and new experiences, even for those who have already been to Israel and neighboring countries.
    • Quality: we define our quality brand, using the best hotels in each category; specialized tour guides, authorized by the Israel Ministry of Tourism and academically trained in relevant topics; in addition to new vehicles, with a maximum of 3 years of use.
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