Multiplying the Light
24/02/2021I've always loved the Hanukkah Party.
The whole theme of Light has always fascinated me - even more when it Multiplies itself day by day, for 8 days, when we light the 9-Arm Chandelier, called Chanukiya, each day one more Candle than the day before.
As a child, I waited all year for Chanukah to arrive. I loved playing with Sevivon - the 4-sided top, with the 4 Initial Letters in Hebrew of the phrase: “Great Miracle Happened Here (if we are in Israel) / There (if we are in other countries of the world)”. I was delighted with the Sufganiot – the stuffed dreams, fried in deep oil, in remembrance of the Miracle of the Oil of the Sacred Temple, which instead of Enlightening you for 1 day, was enough to fill you with Light for 8 days.
Over the years, I have grown and increasingly Admiring and Caring for my Traditions. But, at the same time, on this Path, I had the Great Opportunity to get to know other Cultures and Religions and to captivate for them the same Respect with which I maintained my Judaism. And in December, my Heart always rejoices to see How much Light all Peoples, Religions, Beliefs, in each and every one of the Countries of the World can Emanate! Let the Trees and Illuminated Christmas decorations be; be the scattered Lights announcing the arrival of the Feast of Sacrifice for Muslims; or the Lights of our Chanukiot, next to our Windows that Announce the Miracle and Multiply the Light in the Whole World.
May we, each one of us, Seek the Light – because precisely in Moments of greater Darkness, each Pinch of Light is Capable of Illuminating much more!
Let us try, each one of us, to Spread the Light – because it is the Ability to Multiply itself, precisely when we Divide it!
May we, each one of us, Recognize in this Moment an Opportunity, a Sign, a Hope – that only Together we will be able to “Away the Darkness”, as we usually sing on Chanukah – and take everything that is from our Lives and from the Whole World Obscure – Violence, Racism, Intolerance, Diseases, Pain, Suffering, Need – and that in our Homes and in our Hearts there is only room for so much Light and so much Love.
Impossible? No! This year, more than ever, has shown us that nothing is Exactly as We Think it is and nothing happens Exactly as We Plan... So, how about Believing in Miracles – like the ones that December makes us Remember – and having Faith that from now on will everything be better?
This is what I wish for you, all your Family and all the People who inhabit your Heart!
Happy Feast(s) of Lights!
Source: Ilana Blog