Change Action - changing our manner to act
11/02/2021I ended the year receiving the 1st dose of the Covid-19 Vaccine. On December 31st exactly, I seemed to be receiving a vial of Hope in my right shoulder. An inexplicable sense of gratefulness washed over me - and that was the only immediate reaction the vaccine caused. January 21st, exactly 3 weeks later, I received the 2nd dose and again a great Joy infected me. A smell of Beginnings hung in the air.
Meanwhile, the subject here is the Mutation of the Virus. First it was the British Mutation, then the South African, then the Brazilian and now the Californian. And for me the most important Mutation of this entire era is the "Muta Ação" - the Change of our Way of Acting. This yes I Feel, Recognize and I can even See with naked eyes. Without a doubt, we are no longer the same. Long Term Plans have shortened; Certainties gave space and due respect to Doubts; Quantity finally named Quality as sovereign; The Need for "Things" was replaced by People, Relationships and Feelings; The Being asked for passage to the Having. We all change. The Elderly, Adults, Youth and Children. New Perspectives of Time and Space - we become Farther from our Near and Nearer to everything that was Far away to us; Our House became our biggest Temple, our Neighborhood became our Yard. The verb " go Back" was taken from all the dictionaries - we learned that in fact Life just goes on and on. The Pandemic gave us a Magnifying Glass and suddenly we saw the blemishes that as Human Beings we still need to Heal in our Societies - after all, Covid-19 did not create Corruption, Intolerance, Radicalism and Social Inequalities... - but made us see them more clearly.
History has placed a Mirror in front of us and we have seen that we are not as Strong, Independent and Self-sufficient as we thought and more - we are not Immune to the Unknown. A true Injection of Humility for all Humanity. And if we have learned from Pain the Value of Life; and with Limitations the Taste of Freedom; and with Difficulties the Importance of Solidarity; and with the Changes the Flexibility Differential - at least the battle against this Virus (Microscopic) will have improved our World Vision (Macro) a little bit.
Source: Ilana Blog